
Codex will search all chat messages for matching World Info entries.
If matching WI entries are found, the relevant words in the chat messages are highlighted and can be clicked to open the corresponding WI entry next to the chat.
Codex renders the WI entries just like chat messages, with full markdown and macro support. This means you can include formatting, images, code blocks, links, and everything else that is supported in chat messages.
In addition to regular WI entries, you can create maps and character lists.


Creating Codex Entries

Open Codex. Click on the menu. Click on "Create Codex Entry".

Basic Text Entries

Open Codex. Click on the menu. Click on "Create Codex Entry". Pick "Basic Text" from the list of entry types.



Open Codex. Click on the menu. Click on "Create Codex Entry". Pick "Map" from the list of entry types.








Character Lists

Open Codex. Click on the menu. Click on "Create Codex Entry". Pick "Character List" from the list of entry types. Put a list of names in the WI entry's content. Separate the names either with a comma or write one name per line.



The named Quick Reply set should have a single Quick Reply. That QR will be executed when clicking on a character. The QR's context menu will be shown when right-clicking on a character.


The following macros can be used in the QR and its context menu's QRs.

Custom Entry Types


Special World Info Keywords


Slash Commands

Codex provides the following slash commands.



default template, named templates
